Cold Weather’s Coming…Update for Visitors

We all know that the cold weather is coming (faster than we’d like).  Therefore, we have developed a visitor policy for when it is no longer nice enough to meet with your loved ones outside. 

As before, you must:

  • Call before to make an appointment
  • Go through screening process upon arrival:\
    –Temperature Check
    –Questionnaire regarding possible symptoms or exposure
  • Wear a mask upon entry and throughout your entire time here
  • Practice social distancing
  • Sanitize hands again if at any time you cough, sneeze or touch your face

We have designated two rooms near the reception area for visits.  Only two visitors at a time per resident will be allowed. 

Visitors for apartment residents will go through the same screening and abide by the same rules.  However, they will be asked to visit in that person’s apartment, rather than the designated space by the office. 

All visitors are asked to go directly to the designated area after completing their screening process, and to avoid interaction with other residents.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we seek to protect the safety of everyone at St. Anne’s, while still allowing family contact.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Terry Hanson, D.O.N. or Sr. Rebecca, administrator at 701-746-9401.