We’ve been authorized for a matching grant – you can help us out this #GivingTuesday!

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We have some exciting news here at St. Anne’s!
We’ve been authorized for up to $10,000 for a matching grant from the Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities!
As we mark #GivingTuesday, an international day for supporting non-profit organiziations, we’d welcome your support towards this matching grant.
If you’d like to make a donation in support of our mission to the vulnerable and elderly in our midst who need our care, you may:
Send it in the mail:
St. Anne’s Guest Home
524 N. 17th St.
Grand Forks, ND 58203
or visit us online to make payment electronically:
Thank you in advance for your support!

Make it Shine with Pickle Brine

When cooking purple potatoes, this past week, we discovered an electrical problem with the little stove-top in our conference room kitchenette.  Actually, the smell wafted all the way out to the front desk area.

When the burner was removed it was very black and in desperate need of a good cleaning.  After soaking it for a long time, there was still plenty of black remaining.

Sr. Christina thought some vinegar might work well, but there was none handy.  However, she was taking out a jar of pickles anyway to have at supper and decided to pour some pickle brine to soak on the burner.

P1080016.JPGWhen this had soaked thus through the evening and over night, a lot more of the black “gunk” was removed.

Little did we know all the wonders of pickle brine!

When doing an online search for uses of pickle brine, one finds a multitude of suggestions:

Pickle brine is suggested as a meat tenderizer as well as for enhancing other foods, such as barbecue sauce and “mac and cheese,” fish, veggies, and salad dressing.  It can be used in homemade rye bread, cocktails, sports drinks, and even pickle soup.  Pickle juice can be used for acidifying soil, cleaning copper, trapping fruit flies, making copper sparkle, killing weeds, stopping hiccups, and curing heartburn.  It can also serve as a laxative and to treat an upset stomach.


  • https://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/39-ways-to-use-leftover-pickle-juice
  • http://mentalfloss.com/article/82647/12-uses-pickle-juice
  • https://www.bonappetit.com/test-kitchen/cooking-tips/article/15-ways-to-use-leftover-pickle-juice

Purple Potatoes…Some Special Spuds!

roasted-purple-potatoes-with-tarragon2This past weekend, we had a little surprise visit from our administrator’s (Sr. Rebecca) brother and sister-in-law.  Along with the gift of their mere presence, they also brought us a bag of special spuds – purple potatoes!

We’d never seen the like before.  The visitors assured us that they taste just like any other potato; if you were blindfolded, you’d never know the difference.

Wednesday afternoon, Sr. Christina set to work with one of our residents who loves to “keep busy,” waiting eagerly to see the lady’s reaction when she discovered that they were purple potatoes.  Soon, others in the activity room were being shown the never-before-seen specimen.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAEvery Thursday, we have mashed potatoes as part of the lunch menu.  So it is that Sr. Rebecca is planning to cook up and mash the peeled potatoes to see what kind of reaction she gets.

Purple potatoes, though deep violet on the inside, have ink-colored skins.  They are good for baking or mashing, being dry and starchy.

They are rich in a certain antioxidant called anthocyanin which is also found in berries and pomegranates, helpful to the immune system and in preventing some cancers.  Purple potatoes also have energy-rich properties, lots of vitamins, proteins, fiber and antioxidants.  They can help with your blood pressure and prevent blood clots as well.  Purple potatoes have been grown for hundreds of years in areas like Peru and Bolivia.

There are even recipes available for using these pretty little gems, including home-style green beans and purple potatoes, purple potatoes with caramelized onions and shiitake mushrooms, mashed purple potatoes, and roasted purple potatoes and cauliflower.


Welcome Back, Henry!

Staff and residents at St. Anne’s made our scarecrow, Henry, again Tuesday afternoon.  He has been coming to visit every October for the past several years.  He sits in our entrance to meet those who pass by.  Actually, people have been known to say “hello” when they first see him, thinking he’s real.

Scarecrows, according to one article, have had their place in human society for centuries. Even back in ancient Rome and Greece, people would put wooden figures out to watch over their fields. Scarecrows, or variations thereof, actually cross many cultures. In fact, in Japan, rice field protectors were made of oily material and fish bones, another source said. The first record of scarecrows comes from Ancient Egypt, where wheat fields near the Nile were protected from quail by scarecrows.

European farmers, during the middle ages, followed this well-established tradition. Some actually believed that scarecrows had special powers and actually thought they would protect crops from diseases. A scarecrow ould consist of animal skulls (as in Italy) or a wooden witch (in Germany). In Brittan, scarecrows were actually alive, since boys were given the job of patrolling the wheat fields with bags of stones, according to this same source.

Here, in our own land, the native people used “bird scarers” as well, but these were mostly real men.   Some would stand on wooden platforms, howling and shouting at approaching crows and woodchucks. Other means of protection were also employed, such as poisoning crows so that their wild flying deterred others and placing poles around the fields.

Scarecrows had their place in the history of the American Colonies as well. Later immigrants to America also shared their traditions. During the Great Depression, scarecrows became especially popular.

Although we at St. Anne’s aren’t seeking protection from harm due to birds, or crows in particular, we enjoy having our resident of the month with us this time of year. Some staff, however, have commented on being startled by him.  Sr. Christina, her mother (visiting from Minnesota), and a few residents put him together one afternoon this past week.

If you stop by to visit us, you might want to say hello to our scarecrow, Henry, as well. Don’t expect any response though, as he is rather bashful and not accustomed to conversation.

Sign up for our Newsletter

20170912_170353Our Resident Newsletter, The Broadcaster, will be released in the next couple of days.  It includes tidbits of news from around St. Anne’s as well as articles pertinent to the upcoming month.

If you’d like to subscribe to receive it via email, simply fill out this form.

We think you’d enjoy it!

“Autumn Begins”

fallThis week Mother Nature got a jump start on Autumn. The calendar states “Autumn Begins” September 22. Our exceedingly creative God got ahead of the date and was doing a magnificent paint job already a week before.

Sister Rebecca and I attended the North Dakota Long Term Care Conference in Fargo for three days this week and were able to drive back and forth from Grand Forks each day instead of traveling to Bismarck and staying overnight for the duration.

This meant six separate 81 mile trips, three to Fargo and three back home to Grand Forks. We were privileged to delight in the numerous fall colors: gold, yellow, red, rust, green, yellow green, brown, tan. Oh, so beautiful! The trees were still fluffy because the wind had not yet divested them of their leaves thus creating an even more gorgeous grove of individual colors.

The fall colored grasses in the ditches took on a special hew that delighted one’s view as we drove by. Such a multitude of mixed beauty!

And, to really top off the experience, Sister Rebecca pointed out a flock of geese flying over the Fargo Holiday Inn. What a marvelous additional sight adding to the already amazing experience, a sure sign of fall.

Thank You God for giving Mother Nature these gifts of color and her ability to present them to us in such varied ways for our amazement and joy. May You, O Creator, be thanked, honored and adored.

Count Me In! Share your time & talent at St. Anne’s

Image may contain: textDid you know that there are lots of opportunities to give back to the community by serving as a volunteer at St. Anne’s?

Whether you’re interested in doing one-on-one visits with a resident who doesn’t have much family, if you’d like to help with our special events, if you’d like to lend a hand with regular activities, or you have another idea of how you’d like to help, the St. Anne’s Volunteer Program is worth checking into!

In fact, we’re getting ready for our annual volunteer business meeting, which will be held on Thursday, October 5th.  It’s a “working lunch” from 11:30 to 12.

If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP with Shelly Mack (701-746-9401) no later than Monday, October 2nd.

We hope to see you there!

Spuds at St. Anne’s

As we approach “Potato Bowl Week” and some of our residents and staff anticipate the big parade and UND football game on Saturday, we thought “Potatoes at St. Anne’s” would be an appropriate topic.

We actually serve potatoes, in various forms, several times a month in our dining room.  Menu selections include:

  • Tater tots
  • French fries
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Scalloped potatoes
  • Whipped potatoes
  • Cream of potato soup
  • Oven-browned potatoes
  • Potato salad
  • Potato chips
  • Baked potatoes
  • Spudsters

Image result for garden our franciscan fiatWith such a selection of items made from potatoes, we are reminded that we are in “spud country.”  A couple of times, we even grew potatoes in our residents’ garden!

During this coming week, our “joke of the day” will be selected from a list of several potato-related “knee slappers.”

For example: Where were the first French Fries made?  In Greece.

Have a happy Potato Bowl Week!!

Cherries, Anyone?

pasted_image.pngA couple of weeks ago, one of our nurses brought in a couple of pints of fresh cherries from her own trees.  Although they were on the smaller side, they were sweet and tasty.

As we had recently received over 200 lbs. of rhubarb and Sr. Rebecca was in jam-making mode, they made their way into a couple of batches of a cherry rhubarb “taste-treat.”

Sr. Christina pitted the cherries in preparation for this endeavor.  Rather than simply discard the pits, why not try a little experiment?  Wouldn’t it be fun for our residents to watch cherry trees grow from these?

The pits were carefully soaked and any remaining fruit fragments were removed.  Next, they were set out to dry for a few days.

A bag of clean, dry pits now is sitting in a bottom refrigerator drawer for until December to provided the needed cold period for the proper preparation for germination.  (There are several variations in instructions for this process.)

Sr. Christina’s parents had recently had trees removed from their front yard in Minnesota because of a Ash boar that is killing off trees in their area.  Her mother is interested in possibly taking cherry saplings, so the above picture was taken for her information.

Really, cherries are nothing new for the human family, even if we’ve never grown them here before.  Fossils point to human consumption dating back to prehistoric times.  The Greeks and Romans enjoyed them, too.  In fact, they were part of Roman soldiers’ rations.  An interesting story is that they would discard them as they traveled and one could find old Roman roads by following the path of the cherry trees.

Perhaps one explanation for the varying instructions on growing cherries is due to the multiplicity of varieties which numbers over 1,000.

There are several dates commemorating different aspects of this cherished fruit, including January 3rd as Chocolate covered Cherry Day, April 23rd as Cherry Cheesecake Day,  May 17th as Cherry Cobbler Day, May 26th as Cherry Dessert Day, and coming right up – August 28th is National Cherry Turnover Day.

Cherries are very nutritious and are even credited with stabilizing blood sugar levels, easing joint pain, and aiding with sleep.



Rhubarb…and More Rhubarb!!!!

We just finished cutting up about 130 pounds of a green plant with red highlights.

Yes, it was rhubarb!


This was actually the second batch we received and processed within just a few days.  The generous donors of both batches sell one batch per year to a local winery, but had extra now to share with us.

We would like to extend a special thank you to Deacon Wally Dalman and his wife Colleen for their kindness!

IMG_2168 (1)We’ve begun to use their rhubarb already, making sauce, jam, and cake.

However, this really doesn’t put much of a dent in our supply, to which we added roughly 245 lbs. since this past Wednesday.  There will be plenty to provide for rhubarb desserts for months to come, which is good because our residents do enjoy them.

Due to the large quantity of produce, we had two “rhubarb cutting parties” today with our residents; one began after snacks, around 10 a.m.  The second was after dinner and lasted until supper time.  A few people came and went, but some stayed in our activity room for the entire afternoon of “festivities.”

Good conversation, camaraderie, and the satisfaction that manual work can bring,  make these parties an uplifting experience for our residents.

If you’re interested in joining in with future “parties,” please let us know and we can give you a call.  We’ll be having corn and apples come in as well during the coming weeks and would be happy to have you come and join us!