A Shocking Experience

Annie’s Anticks – Episode 2:

Listen as Sister Elaine shares a story of one evening when she was filling in for one of the other Sisters at St. Anne’s, doing aide work.

Annie’s Antics

Annie's AnticsWe’re happy to bring you a new series on our “St. Anne’s Scoop.”  Annie’s Antics will share stories from humorous happenings at St. Anne’s (both old and new locations) over the years.

We hope you enjoy them.  Feel free to pass them on to anyone interested in a good story and a good laugh!

Click on the videos below and enjoy!

Episode 1: “Play That Piano!”
In this clip, Sr. Rebecca retells a story from decades past.  Feel free to comment and/or share!  


Before They Wake Up!

We’ve share here before about the four little plum trees Sr. Christina started a few years ago.  They are now about five feet tall!  It’s truly amazing how life works, how one can put small little plum pits in the ground, and in a few years (and some TLC), you have trees.  They’ve grown so much since just last spring!

This afternoon, our trees got their spring haircuts, before coming out of their winter dormancy (that is: we pruned them).

This will prevent branches from growing into the trunks or competing with other nearby branches.  It will also, hopefully, help stimulate growth.

In pruning trees in mid-March, we hope to avoid sending them into shock.  When they “wake up” in a few weeks, they’ll be neatly trimmed for the season.

Tree A After
Tree A After
Tree A Before
Tree A Before
Tree B After
Tree B After
Tree B Before
Tree B Before
Tree C After
Tree C After
Tree C Before
Tree C Before
Tree D After
Tree D After
Tree D Before
Tree D Before

It will be exciting to see how they grow this summer!  Stay tuned!

A special thank you to our volunteer, Cindy Flath, for her great work!

Who is She? Our Lady of Częstochowa

Our Lady of CzęstochowaRecently, a long-time friend of the Sisters at St. Anne’s donated a couple of items here which had belonged to his deceased mother.  One was readily recognized as a carving to the Last Supper.  The identity of the other piece took a bit more investigation.  

Although not well-versed in Polish art, Sr. Christina mused, “I wonder if that isn’t Our Lady of Czestochowa, the Black Madonna.”  Her dark completion and the painting’s antique, iconic style were definite clues.

With a bit of research, this initial conclusion was confirmed.  The tell-tale scratch marks on Mary’s right cheek solidified the speculation.  Actually, as the story goes, thieves were attempting to vandalize the painting.  Among other things, they stabbed at the face of Our Lady.  We are told that, despite multiple attempts to undue the damage wrought by these villains, the marks have remained.  

This is not the only interesting tidbit connected with this image of the “Queen of Poland.”  Legend has it that St. Luke actually painted the image on a table made by St. Joseph, which would date the piece back to the first century.  St. Helena, who identified the True Cross on a voyage to the Holy Land, is said to have brought the icon back with her.  Historians, however, are more likely to trace the painting to the sixth or ninth centuries.  Whenever its origin, it may well be that the painting was passed from family to family in royal dowries until it made it to Poland!

Another legend around the painting states that Prince Ladislaus was taking the prized depiction of Mary somewhere, when, suddenly, his horses stopped, refusing to go any further.  He took this as a sign that image was to remain at that exact location, Częstochowa.

There are some variations in these legends, and some accounts tend to blend together.  We do know that the image probably came to the place whose name it took on sometime in the 1300s.

One may wonder why the image of Our Lady is so dark.  Smoke and soot damage probably account for this distinct characteristic of the painting.  Interestingly, some make the connection of the black color with a passage in the Song of Songs, where the beloved is described as “black and beautiful.”

In the 1430s, it was painted over because of severe damage it had undergone at the hands of vandals.  The restorations which have occurred over the centuries have remained true to the original content, but the style changed with the time. 

One of our residents, originally from the Warsaw (North Dakota) area, was familiar with her, and even recalled the damage to the face on the painting.


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Madonna_of_Cz%C4%99stochowa
  • http://saintsresource.com/our-lady-czestochowa
  • http://www.polishamericancenter.org/Czestochowa.htm
  • https://udayton.edu/imri/mary/c/czestochowa-black-madonna.php
  • http://www.catholictradition.org/Mary/czesto.htm
  • https://www.english.op.org/godzdogz/our-lady-of-czestochowa-queen-of-poland

Senior Housing at St. Anne’s

It’s been quite the year, hasn’t it?

But, one thing we’ve hopefully all gained is a greater appreciation for the blessings we do have: Family and friends, our health, and a place to call home.

At St. Anne’s Living Center, we’re all kind of like family to each other, and there’s always a friend or two around to visit. So, if you’re look for a caring living environment, a place to call home in your retirement years, check out St. Anne’s!

Visit us online at stannesguesthome.org or call 701-746-9401.

Exciting News from St. Anne’s!

This week, the Board of Directors approved a new logo for St. Anne’s.  It is an exciting step for our facility which has been providing a caring home for elderly and disabled individuals for 75 years now.

The move to adopt a new logo was begun earlier this fall, in efforts to have a more contemporary design that incorporated the facility’s name and enhanced recognition.  The new logo also incorporates important symbolism, sharing core values of St. Anne’s.

The roof image at the top illustrates the home-like environment St. Anne’s provides.  The ‘t’ made into a cross points to our Christ-centered service of those in need.  The butterflies convey hope and new life.  The phrase “Living Center” describes the nature of our facility, especially to those unfamiliar with our mission.  It serves as an umbrella term to encompass both wings of the Home: St. Anne’s Guest Home (Basic Care Unit) and St. Anne’s Housing for the Elderly (HUD Apartments).  This name had been adopted a couple of years ago as a more descriptive title for the facility.

The new logo will be utilized across various platforms and media.  We are even getting new masks and jackets featuring the new logo!

Since the mid-1940s, St. Anne’s has been offering a caring home for those in need in eastern North Dakota.  It At that time, a home was opened in Fargo, serving homeless men who had been accustom to “riding the rails” from place to place, but whose health no longer allowed them to maintain this lifestyle. 

In the early years, the Sisters served twelve such men, whom they named their “twelve apostles.”  The home was called “St. Anne’s Guest Home,” as the men there were looked after with dignity and respect and treated as guests. 

The home eventually moved to Grand Forks, utilizing the former St. Michael’s Hospital.  By the early 1980s, when that building was no longer up to fire codes, the Sisters moved once again, this time to the current location, which had previously been the convent for the Sisters of St. Joseph serving in area schools. 

St. Anne’s continues to serve elderly and disabled individuals from various backgrounds.  Nursing, housekeeping, laundry, and personal care services are provided as well as various activities.  St. Anne’s also has a chapel with spiritual opportunities. 

Our mission at St. Anne’s is to provide a safe, caring, and family-like home for our residents. Inspired by St. Francis, we strive to serve each person who comes to us as we would Christ. We welcome those who come to us from various backgrounds, treating them with love and dignity while providing for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Visitor Update

Due to our county and state still being at high risk for COVID-19, we are unable to allow visitors into our facility at this time.

We are happy to accommodate phone/video calls for interested family/friends.