
Between this last Friday and today, residents, staff/sisters, and volunteers husked, “de-haired,” and bagged about 1900 ears of sweet corn.

We are very grateful, first of all, to the Wald family for growing and harvesting all this corn for us! It has been an annual tradition for many years; we appreciate their kindness.

We also want to thank all of the great volunteers who came in to help us! Your hard work and capable hands were a huge asset in “getting the job done.”

Thank you, too, to our staff and residents who were so helpful.

Our residents will be able, thanks to all of you, to enjoy delicious, locally grown sweet corn all year through.

PS: Did you know that, according to the Mayo Clinic’s website, corn provides your body with needed fiber, B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, copper, iron and manganese?  It also contains antioxidants and other things that help you to have healthy eyes.  However, diabetics need to keep in mind its high carbohydrate content.

Update on our Plum Trees

It’s been a while since we updated you on our little plum trees…Their journey began about two years ago when pits were saved from plums from a relatives land near Fisher, MN.

Now, they range in height from 3′ 1″ to 3′ 11″, soon to be four, we hope. These four trees are an exciting addition to the lawn on the south side of St. Anne’s.

It’s St. Anne’s Week, and We’re Having a Ball!

As we honor our patron saint (whose feast day is on Friday) and celebrate our Home, residents and staff alike are enjoying dressing up in themed apparel. Each day’s activities, too, correlate with the theme of the day.

So far, we’ve had “Dress Up Day,” “Sports Day,” and “Western Day.”

“Colorful Sock Day,” “Hat Day,” “Wear Your St. Anne’s Shirt Day,” and “Patriotic Day” are yet to come!

When’s the Right Time to Move Into Assisted Living/Basic Care?

Guest Post by Kay Carter

Moving into an assisted living or basic care facility is often a big and emotional decision. After all, many individuals prize their independence and are hesitant to relinquish a routine that may have worked well for many years. However, there may come a time when a choice needs to be made. But when is that time? Here are a few signs that it may be the right time to move into assisted living.

Declining Health  

For seniors across the country, declining health can be a major challenge to overcome. That is why one of the benefits of moving into an assisted living or basic care facility is that you will have support for dealing with a chronic illness. If you or your loved one’s health has gotten considerably worse, it may be time to move into a place that can monitor and provide the attention you need to continue to thrive.

Decreased Socialization 

With age, many individuals find that they don’t have the same levels of socialization that they did in the past. Whether due to the death of a spouse, far-flung family members, or a lack of activities out of the home, isolation and depression can be very real challenges. Fortunately, moving into an assisted living or basic care facility can help naturally and organically increase opportunities for social interaction. This, in turn, could improve emotional and mental health for the long-term. 

Challenges with House Maintenance   

Maintaining a tidy and well kept home may have been a top priority in younger days. However, according to House Method, one sign that it may be the right time to move into assisted living is if it’s getting too difficult to do things around the house. Tasks such as vacuuming, lawn care, and paying bills on time are essential to your independence. If you’re having trouble doing day-to-day tasks, can’t keep up with maintenance of your home, and don’t have a family member or caregiver to help, assisted living or basic care may be a great solution.

Financial Strain 

In many cases, families or individuals will choose to have at-home care before looking into an assisted living or basic care facility. However, high levels of at-home care can quickly add up, making an assisted living or basic care facility a wiser financial choice. If this is the case, it may be the smartest move for you and your loved ones to look into the potential for assisted living or basic care. 

Aversion to Cooking 

Eating healthy foods is an important part of staying well, whether you’re dealing with longer-term illnesses or simply looking to live out your years in the best shape you can. However, if you find it difficult to make food for yourself to the point that you’re skipping meals, it may be time to look into assisted living. This makes the tasks of daily life—such as eating well—simpler and far more convenient. 

Assisted living or basic care facilities are designed to make life as pleasurable, comfortable, and stress-free as possible. If you’re experiencing any of the above signs, it may be time to look into your assisted living or basic care options.

St. Anne’s Week—Just around the Corner!

July 21-27, we will again celebrate our patron saint, St. Anne. We don’t know a lot about this holy woman, but she was the mother of Mary (and Jesus’ grandmother). Below is a poem about her.)

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We honor her especially on her feast day, July 26. Residents and staff are encouraged to join in the fun of the week, which will include the following dress up days:
Sunday, July 21 ~ Dress-up Day
Monday, July 22 ~ Sports Day
Tuesday, July 23 ~ Western Day
Wednesday, July 24 ~ Colorful Sock Day
Thursday, July 25 ~ Hat Day
Friday, July 26 ~ St. Anne’s Shirt Day
Saturday, July 27 ~ Patriotic Day
We’ll have special activities that go along with the days’ themes.

Celebrating Sister Elaine’s 60th Jubilee!

60th Jubilee Celebration for Sister Elaine

This summer, Sr. Elaine is celebrating 60 years in Religious Life!  Although there will be festivities at the provincial house in Hankinson, we’re planning a celebration here at St. Anne’s, too, for those unable to attend there.

R to L: Sr. Rebecca, Sr. Elaine, Sr. Christina

You are welcome to join us Thursday, June 20th at 2 p.m. for a reception in honor of Sr. Elaine’s Jubilee.
No gifts, please.  Your presence is gift enough.

Sr. Elaine also started out her religious life serving in education, but after ten years moved into the field of long-term care.  She has served at St. Anne’s Guest Home in Grand Forks since 1970, working in the business office and helping the elderly and disabled who live there in many ways.  She has brought joy to many over the years by playing her accordion, active as a member of the area accordion club for a number of years and continuing to entertain residents and others in the area.  

Please join us in sending up a prayer of thanksgiving for these Sisters and their many years of beautiful witness, as well as in continued daily prayer for more vocations to the Consecrated Life within our Diocese.

The Clothesline – In honor of International Clothesline Week, June 1-8…By Betty Canavan

Oh, how I remember the clothesline
Our clothes blowing in the wind
The wonderful smell of fresh clean sheets
Were an extra dividend.

We’d carry the laundry up the stairs
From down in the cellar below
Hanging the towels and flat things outside
So unmentionables wouldn’t show.

Working hard to get them all down
In the case of a sudden shower
Hanging them everywhere, here and there
So they wouldn’t mold or sour.

Taking the time on wash day
To wave to a neighbor and talk
Sharing the neighborhood gossip
Around the block on a walk.

The hypnotic effect of shirts and aprons
Dancing in the breeze
Bring to mind acrobatic couples
On the high trapeze.

No matter what type of dryer sheets
Or softener you might buy,
Mother Nature’s fresh perfume
Is best! (I cannot lie.)

Who Doesn’t Like Ice Cream?!

Pie & Cake Ice Cream Social

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It’s that time of year again! We’re getting ready for our great June tradition, and its not graduations or Fathers’ Day – it’s our Pie & Cake Ice Cream Social!

This fun event will be held June 9, 2019 from 1:30-3:30 p.m.  A free will offering will be taken in support of our Activity department.  Great entertainment will be provided by Chuck Gust & Friends. 

Would you like to bake a cake or pie, or give a monetary contribution?  It’s easy…Just complete the form below!

National Receptionists’ Day

Image result for receptionist free clipart

Did you know that this past Wednesday (2nd Weds. in May) was set aside in honor of receptionists nationwide, we didn’t until just now!

Around St. Anne’s, receptionists do a lot more than just answer the phone!

Weekends can be pretty quiet, and a good time for little projects, but Monday through Friday tend to make up for this! The ability to multitask is crucial for a receptionist here during business hours. ?

During this time, receptionists take and direct calls from medical providers and any number of other inquirers. They assist residents with business needs, make change, and sell stamps and gift case items.

There are busy times and quiet times.

Although the receptionist is not “up on the floor,” running around and assisting with personal care needs of our residents, (s)he plays a very important role and is the first point of contact in dealing with the outside, be it visitors or callers.

If you have a little extra time and would like to “give back” to your community, you might even consider becoming a volunteer receptionist here ?

Happy Belated Receptionists’ Day!!!

Updated Statement to Articulate our Mission of Service at St. Anne’s

This past Saturday, our Board of Directors approved a new mission statement. Our former statement had been written to represent the services offered by all of the facilities staffed by the Franciscan Sisters from Hankinson. The new one is more reflective of the special work done here at St. Anne’s as a long-term care facility.  The new mission statement reads:

Our mission at St. Anne’s is to provide a safe, caring, and family-like home for our residents. Inspired by St. Francis, we strive to serve each person who comes to us as we would Christ. We welcome those who come to us from various backgrounds, treating them with love and dignity while providing for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

St. Anne’s strives to embody the gospel message in accord with the “Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services” given by the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops.