Are You Achin’ to do Some Bakin’?


In a previous post, we offered information about the benefits of baking.  We’ve realized this firsthand with a few of our residents, who enjoy the chance to “get domestic.”  We’ve given them a chance to help mixing up cookies or other treats to serve. They remember doing such work in years past and enjoy being a part of a project like this; they don’t mind a compliment on their tasty results, either.

We’d like to offer you a similar opportunity!

Do you enjoy baking, but not have much of an outlet?  (Maybe you’re not too eager for the extra pounds that come from indulging in a lot of baked goods.)

Our annual bake sale is coming up on October 27th.  If you’d like to bake something(s) to contribute to our sale, we would appreciate it.

You can even fill out this form to let us know what you’re planning.

PS: We won’t tell on you if you sample it first 🙂

“…A Time to Plant…”

Originally posted on “Our Franciscan Fiat.”

Last September, some residents and I pitted many small plums from Sr. Rebecca’s nieces trees in rural western Minnesota.

Some of you may further have heard of my little experiment, planting some of the pits in our raised garden over the winter and finding them sprouted in the spring.  (I thought it would be fun for our residents to watch.)

From there, they’ve journeyed to pots, where they remained to this day.

However, early fall is a good time for planting trees, and with rains expected this afternoon, this morning was a perfect time to plant them.

Thanks to our maintenance man, Jasen, these four little trees are now snugly tucked into the ground for the winter.  (I helped a little bit, but he did most of the work, including plotting out their location.)

After all the T.L.C. I’ve given them the past several months, I hope they survive a North Dakota winter.  We’ll see. ?

Sr. Christina Neumann

YOU Can Make a Difference in People’s Lives – Volunteer @ St. Anne’s

Do you have a little extra time on your hands that you’d like to put to good use?

St. Anne’s is looking for volunteers to help with activities, special events, etc.
We’d welcome new talents…Do you enjoy singing or have another gift to share? Let us know.

Would you be willing to help with other activities or special events? We’d appreciate that as well.

If interested, please call Paulla at 701-746-9401.

Life is great at St. Anne’s ~ and you can help make it even better…Think about becoming a volunteer.

Looking for Silent Auction Items


Believe it, or not, we’re starting to plan for our fall sale and luncheon (Saturday, Oct. 27).

This year should be lots of fun – we’re going Italian! We will be serving a spaghetti dinner.

Also, along with our traditional craft/bake sale, we’ll also be holding a silent auction – and that’s where you fit in!

We’d be grateful for contributions for items for a basket, no later than Thursday, October 18th.

We’d also be happy for volunteers to help with the event.

Please let us know if you can help or contribute.


Stay Cozy this Fall with a St. Anne’s Hoodie

Hate to break it to you, but…Fall is just around the corner.
That’s one reason why we’re getting ready to order hoodies.

We’ll be putting in orders for two different styles – zip or non-zip.

Colors to choose from are black, graphite, denim, red, charcoal, Kelly (green), royal (blue), and purple.

Above the breast, white lettering will read: “St. Anne’s / A tradition of care in Grand Forks.”

The price will range between $20 and $30, depending on how many orders we get and the type you order (zipped hoodies cost slightly more).

If you would to order your St. Anne’s hoodie, email us at

St. Anne’s Week

It’s that time again!  St. Anne’s Week is coming up (July 22-29).

We will be again celebrating our patronal feast this month; St. Anne’s feast day.  The week of “St. Anne’s Day,” July 26th, is filled with fun for residents and staff alike.

Each year, St. Anne’s Guest Home honors St. Anne, the mother of Mary, on her feast day  since our facility is named in her honor. A few years ago, we started making the celebration a weeklong observance.
One enjoyable part of the week is having themed dress up days, in which both residents and staff participate.  Some of the fun will include:

Sunday: Dress up Day – Rock ’round the Clock with a Cake Walk

Monday: Sports Day – Dance in the afternoon with Larry Wheeler

Tuesday:  Hat Day – Hymn-Sing-Along with Paulla and Bingo

Weds.: Western Day

Thursday: St. Anne’s Day – Mass for St. Anne’s feast, Wear your St. Anne’s Shirt / Bingo Party

Friday: Patriotic Day – Sing-along and outing

Saturday: Pajama Day – Don’t Sleep through Mass or Reading Hour

Vegetables and Friendships Grow together in the St. Anne’s Garden


garden at St. Anne's, Grand Forks

At the end of May, several residents helped Sr. Christina plant a small garden on our west patio.

Now, beets, peas, onions, peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes are growing!  Soon, it will be time to harvest.

The main intention of having this garden is to give our residents a fun project to take part in and a chance to get their hands dirty with tangible results.

Another fruit of the endeavor is the camaraderie which accompanies working together on a project.

We’re Ordering!

If you haven’t ordered your new St. Anne’s shirt (in the color of your choice of 40 colors), you’d better get on it. 🙂

We’re hoping to put the order in Friday afternoon.  There are some great colors to pick from.

The text will say “Life is great @ St. Anne’s” … “A caring Home since 1945”

We’ll be wearing our shirts as we celebrate the feast of St. Anne next month, on July 26.

Stay tuned for more on the fun that’s coming up!Image may contain: text

Would You Like a St. Anne’s T-Shirt

Would you be interested in a t-shirt like this? Please let us know your size and how many you’d like. We won’t be sure on the price until we have a final count, but it should be quite inexpensive.  You can actually pick what color shirt you want, too!

We hope to have them on time for our celebration of St. Anne’s Day (July 26).

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