Guest Post by Chet Paschke, former Grand Forks Police Chief
Perhaps at first blush, the title to this article may be reminiscent of Christmas. On that theme, some may say “Christmas is year round”! Be as it may, when writing about all that is within and takes place at St. Anne’s, one can sense Joy and Peace and yes, “year round”!
My wife Sharon and I were not very familiar some years back with St. Anne’s. We’d stop in to visit a friend or relative on rare occasions, but didn’t spend much time learning about the environment there. It wasn’t until about four or so years ago that (then) Deacon Neil Pfeifer, (now) Fr. Pfeifer inspired us to consider signing up for Adoration at St Anne’s. We had thought about doing that for some years, but his prompting was the turning point for us in learning what St. Anne’s (appropriately called Guest Home) is all about, and their mission.
Our “insight” began with simply choosing a once a week Adoration hour. The experience just walking into St. Anne’s abounds with Joy. Be it the receptionist, Sr. Rebecca, Sr. Elaine or Sr. Christina, other staff members, a resident or even the pet dogs Gracie and Dodge; each has a radiant greeting for anyone entering this beautiful home. Continuing further by walking into the Chapel, you immediately sense Peace; fully realizing you are now a guest of our Jesus so happily waiting for His guest- tranquility immediately sets in. This is a Peace that hard to describe and needs to be experienced.
Our “hour with Jesus” happens to be when the Sisters pray their evening prayers. It was by coincidence that we selected that hour and what a blessing. Taking part in their time of devotion is special to us. Some may like a full hour of silence- that’s fine. There are many hours to choose from. The point is that Adoration is open for everyone and engulfs one in joy and peace.
But- there is more at St. Anne’s Guest Home! Jesus there is accompanied by the great staff and its residents. The St. Anne’s mission statement reads “St. Anne’s primary objective is to promote the self-worth, personal dignity, security, happiness and longevity of each elderly or disabled person”. Each staff person truly assures every element of this mission statement is followed.
On the lighter side with the great staff, St. Anne’s offers fun for all, guests, residents and community. Well-planned socials such as pie/ice cream events help promote getting to know the residents. Oh, and we can’t forget the music! “In-house” accordionists Sr. Elaine and Chuck Gust and other musicians liven up any crowd with their great music.
May we invite others to share this Joy and Peace at St. Anne’…Come and experience the on-going Christmas whether it be a daily mass, a casual visit, a social event or scheduled or non-scheduled time adoring in the Chapel. You can even make your first visit on your computer @