Thank you to our “Night Owls” for Whoo You Are!

Sr. Elaine, who works in our business office, sometimes jestingly refers to our overnight staff as “night owls.”


As we celebrate National Night Shift Workers Day, we’d like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the wonderful work done by our night staff here at St. Anne’s.

Few people know all that goes on and all that these find individuals do in serving our residents.

Did you know that St. Anne’s has two staff people on duty from ten o’clock each night until 6 a.m. in the morning.  They take turns making rounds to check on the well-being of each resident, at 10 p.m., 1 a.m., 3 a.m., and again at 5 a.m.  If certain residents need to be awakened for bathroom use at a certain time, they see to that as well.

Along with being there to ensure resident health and safety, they do many other things.  They are responsible for laundering rags, mops, and towels that are used throughout our facility.

Furthermore, they do much of the housekeeping in our common areas.  Each day of the week, they focus on a different room or area, giving it an especially thorough cleaning.

What these people do, their dedication, and the difficult schedule they maintain is truly admirable.

Thank you to our fine staff for all you do while the rest of us are sleeping!

Etiquette for Today

IMG_0889.JPGMay 9-13 is National Etiquette Week!
Etiquette is a code of behavior, based upon contemporary acceptable norms within our society or group.  It may change over time and differ between countries but all cultures have some form of expectations for etiquette.  It is the conduct you exhibit, your social behavior on which you will be judged.
Recently, you may have been in a doctor’s office or cafe and seen people sitting together but heads bowed in attention to their cell phones – not prayer.  Don’t text or take calls during meals – you are really NOT that important!  Also, keep your phone in your purse or pocket during social get-togethers or family conversations.  If you are expecting an important call (like an airport arrival who needs picked up) the vibrate mode will work.  Use a speakerphone or blue tooth in private settings or alert the caller it is on.
In a restaurant or at the family table, wait for everyone to be served before starting to eat yourself.  Then, don’t forget ‘Grace’.  Keep your private things (cell phone or purse) off the table as they may have set in a car or on the floor previously.  Do not clip nails, brush/floss your teeth, comb hair or put on makeup anywhere but in the bathroom.  If you don’t want a beverage, don’t turn your cup or glass upside down.  Get the server’s attention and say, “No, thank you.”
  • You may love sardines, but don’t eat stinky foods around others.
  • Ladies, we have equal rights now.  Holding the door open is done by the first person there for others who follow (regardless man or woman).
  • When boarding public transportation, don’t tie up the aisle.  Stow away packages promptly and sit down.
  • E-mail typed in capital letters represents yelling.  Do you really mean to yell at this person?
  • Don’t forget how to write!  This applies to RSVP (which means reply, yes or no, and how many) to an invitation.  Also, you can never say ‘thank you’ too much.  So, say it – then, write it, with just a short note.
  • Please remember to acknowledge a death.  You may not know what to say but, saying anything at all helps the persons grieving.
  • You don’t drive down the double yellow line on the highway.  Therefore, don’t choose the middle of the supermarket aisle.
  • Please park within the lines in a parking lot.  Please remember the handicapped area is designed for handicapped people.
When standing and talking with another, keep an arms length between you.  Try not to interrupt the person speaking, even if you think your point is more important.  If you have something to share that needs to remain private, go to where it can be spoken in private.  Give each person equal attention.
These are all common sense judgments – and, of course, there are many more, like not talking when your mouth is full.  Today’s rules are far more relaxed then in years gone by but, it’s still nice to have rules. If you want something, always ask.  It shows respect for those around you and gratitude for what you have been given.  After all, you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings any more than you want your feelings hurt by someone else.
This brings up the subject of “church etiquette.”  The people you see in church are your brothers and sisters in Christ. Your church family deserves the same respect you give your family at home. The same cell phone rules apply in church as I stated previously. Don’t arrive late and leave early, it might give St. Peter a clue as to how you expect to be treated. Dress appropriately and conservatively for entering God’s house. Your church is a place of total acceptance. Don’t choose a certain few you want as friends and not work with others. Likewise, don’t complain about, gossip, stare or confront others. Look to your leadership or our Lord for the best example. Be considerate of people with small children – you were once a child yourself! Be encouraging to all you meet.
Keep the Golden Rule in action: Do unto others as you would like done to you. Respect God, his brothers and sisters, and show them all the gratitude you feel for being alive and well

Guest Post by Betty Canavan

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

IMG_0889.JPGDo low energy, aches and pains, brain fog, mood swings, difficulty sleeping… Sound familiar?

These issues, along with many other “age-related” health complaints, could merely be symptoms of a common vitamin deficiency.  And this deficiency can be corrected quickly, easily and inexpensively, making it possible to rejuvenate your health while vastly improving your well-being.  Roughly three out of four people in the United States have low levels of vitamin D.

There are two ways to get vitamin D in the amounts you need for optimal health.

  1. Several hours per day of direct sun exposure (but use sunscreen)
  2. Daily vitamin D supplementation

For many people, a vitamin D supplement is a necessity to reach healthy levels, but it’s important to take the right amount and the right form to get the full benefits.  Dr. John Cannel, who is the director of The Vitamin D Council, recommends adults take a minimum of 5,000 IU and no more than 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day.   Many people make the mistake of just taking whatever is on the shelf of their local drugstore.

D2 is less expensive and less absorbable than D3, which is why manufacturers looking to cut corners typically use it to fortify foods and make supplements.

Vitamin D deficiency may be symptom-less in its early stages, but it’s important to catch it before it progresses. It is important for: overall longevity, strong bones and muscle strength, energy levels, Cardiovascular health including blood pressure, immune function, vision, balance blood sugar, healthy breast tissue and pregnancies, balanced moods and cognitive function.

4 tips to ensure that you’re getting the best vitamin D possible:

  • Take a supplement made with 100% natural D3, it’s safest and absorbs the best – avoid the synthetic D2 at all costs
  • The highly recommended dose of 5,000 IU per day
  • Look for a supplement that is made with a base of pure safflower oil it has more antioxidants
  • A fair price is about $8 for 30 tabs (D-Pure ships to you for free and is $7.95 for 30)

(Information from online research)

At St. Anne’s, many of our residents enjoy sitting outside when the weather is nice.  We also optimize Vitamin D absorption by taking our residents out walking.

Guest Post by retired nurse, Kathy Neumann


A Talent Shared

We are so blessed here at St. Anne’s to have a “resident artist!”  Ron Danielson has been producing beautiful images for use in our monthly resident newsletter, The Broadcaster, for the last two years.  He even created the artwork for our annual Christmas letter in 2014.


Ron enjoys painting model airplanes.

Ron has a real, natural talent, and we are so glad he is willing to share it with the rest of us!

In this issue of The St. Anne’s Scoop, we’ll share a little interview with Ron, done by his neighbor and friend, Patricia Schildberger.

Picture1.pngWhat kind of art have you done?   Sketching with pencil, charcoal, art using a combination of pencil, pen and colored pencils and oil painting and various other art forms

How many siblings do you have?  Five-two sisters and three brothers

How did you first get into art?  I was born with the art skill, started art in 1st grade or earlier, [and] did a lot of art work till 12th grade when took off to work.  I had art classes in school always carried an “A” for my grade.




What do you enjoy most?  Pencil, pen and color pencil art.  I do enjoy doing art for the Broadcaster.






What work have you done?  I started working for the railroad when I was still in high school. Then went on to work a variety of jobs some of which are plant and construction work among others and my last job was working for a moving company  which was moving households in and out of their respective locations.



Laughter is the Best Medicine!!

St. Anne's staff know how to laugh!On the occasion of “International Moment of Laughter Day,” we are sharing an article from January 2015

Various sources illustrate the benefits of humor.  According to an article by the Mayo Clinic, there are physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual health benefits to laughter.  According to WebMD, the “belly laugh” (the inspiration for this post), can “boost heart rate, improve blood flow, and stabilize blood pressure.”  This same source pointed out that laughter reduces stress hormones and boosts the immune system.

As people age, they need to be more conscious of health concerns.  An article by Senior Homes made some interesting observations related to laughter and health in the aging population.  One emotional benefit it points out is “the release of endorphins, natural feel-good substances that make you feel happy and content.”  These endorphins, according the article, also “have been proven to reduce the perception of physical pain.”  According to a study of 53,000 Norwegian seniors, those who had a sense of humor had a 20% lower mortality rate.

This same article shared a cute little story which might be a good starting-point in trying to laugh more: “The preacher came to call the other day. He said at my age I should be thinking of the hereafter. I told him, “Oh, I do it all the time. No matter where I am – in the parlor, upstairs, in the kitchen, or down in the basement – I ask myself, “Now, what am I here after?”

Another article by the Mayo Clinic points out laughter’s advantages for stress relief and illustrates its short and long-term benefits.  I wouldn’t have guessed it, but laughter stimulates various organs; it also increases your air intake. Better circulation and muscle relaxation can also result from laughter. It can help with depression and anxiety as well. Laughter may even help keep blood sugars down. Mayo Clinic research also points out that “humor relieves stress and tension, decreases pain and often diffuses conflict.”

Intellectually, according to the first sited Mayo Clinic article, can lead to better attention, creativity and imagination. It can also positively influence interpersonal relationships.

Whether your hoping to boost your mood and outlook or improve your health, making laughter a part of your daily routine is not a bad idea.  Why not try a good belly laugh? suggests that on January 24 at 1:24 p.m. you should smile, throw your arms in the air and laugh out loud!

It Is Not Good for Man (or woman) to Be Alone!

The Benefits of a Communal Living Setting for Older Adults

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAlthough many seniors try to live on their own as long as possible, this is not as glamorous as it may appear.

As a person ages and health declines, one can become more and more isolated when living alone.  A person’s children often move away, friends die or don’t come around as much, and other factors contribute to isolation, not to mention decreased ability or willingness to drive and travel.  There are many reasons that living a communal setting, rather than in one’s own home, can be very beneficial.

Below, we’ll highlight the advantages.

Alleviate the Stress of Maintenance and Yard Work

As a person ages, maintaining a home often gets harder: the knees don’t bend like they used to, etc.  Living in a communal setting takes care of the need to manage one’s own house repairs and take care of a yard.


No Need to Drive

At a home like St. Anne’s, rides to shopping outings and medical appointments are provided.  A person doesn’t need to deal with parking and the possible uneasiness associated with having to find one’s way to such outings.


Less Stress and Pressure for Family Members

When an aging parent or loved one lives alone, there can be a heavy burden for the adult children.  They have to look after the needs of the parent, along with taking care of their own family and work commitments.  If the loved one lives in a setting, like that offered at St. Anne’s, these needs are taken care of.  It can lift an emotional burden, knowing that the loved one is taken care of.  It also can be very freeing.


Good Nutrition

Sometimes as people age and mental acuity decreases, eating habits suffer.  Another part of this may be lack of motivation to cook healthy meals.  When living in a communal setting, meals are provided.  A person can eat nutritious, tasty meals without having to “slave over a hot stove.”


Excellent Socialization

When a person lives alone, they may get an occasional phone call or visit, but the majority of the time is spent alone.  It can be very isolating.  Living in a communal setting, like St. Anne’s takes care of this problem very well.  There are people around all the time and ample opportunities to make new friends.  Family and old friends can still maintain relationships, with plenty of common spaces to use for visiting.  Sometimes our residents even have a family member come and eat lunch with them.  Living in a common setting can be a monumental way of alleviating loneliness and depression.

Engaging Activities

IMG_1451An engaging activities program in another benefit.  Here at St/ Anne’s, we have an excellent activities program.  Along with bingo and outings, we frequently have live music.  We also have weekly ecumenical church services for our Protestant residents and daily rosary and Mass.  There’s so much, all under one roof, with no need to go out for everything, which is nice, especially in the winter.


Peace of Mind

A move to a supervised setting can bring peace of mind to both the older person and to their family.  There is the security of knowing that the person is being looked after by caring staff.  Worries associated with lack of supervision in living alone are taken away as well.


Living alone, with declining health and mobility poses safety risks.  One may fall when walking or bathing.  No one is there to find them right away, or assist them in order to prevent such a fall.  However, a person living in a basic care setting, like that offered here, has staff available to assist.  Furthermore, if a fall should occur (when they are alone in their room), they will not lay helplessly for hours or days, as can happen when living alone.  Also, cooking dangers can be a major concern.  When a person lives in a setting such as basic care at St. Anne’s, this safety concern no longer exists.


Conversely, living alone as one ages poses some weighty drawbacks.  Failing health, memory, and eyesight and lack of socialization contribute heavily to this.

Avoid chaos and strife – Declutter your life!

IMG_2542Did you know that the St. Anne’s rummage Sale is coming up in a couple weeks: April 15th?  Why not use this as an inspiration to simplify and declutter?

In this week’s post on our St. Anne’s Scoop, we’ll share some tips for decluttering.  Hopefully, you find it helpful. offers a lot of helpful pointers.  To help get you motivated, let’s consider the benefits of having less clutter, namely “less to clean, less to organize, less stress, [and] more money and energy.”  Nonetheless, you may feel overwhelmed and not know where to start.  It is suggested that a person “give away one item each day.”  We have an easier approach: “Box away one item a day.”  Then, at the end of a couple of weeks, you can bring the collection of unwanted items over to St. Anne’s for our Rummage Sale.  “One person’s junk is another one’s treasure.”

A further idea, which is more of a long-term project, concerns the clothes in your closet.  It is suggested that you hang all your clothes with the hangers the reverse way.  Then, when you actually take out and wear an item, once it is laundered you will put it back on the hanger the normal way.  This way, you can recognize (over a period of time) what clothing you’re actually wearing.

Another pointer for analyzing your belongings when trying to declutter would be to ask yourself: “If I was just buying this now, how much would I pay?”

This article offered a further helpful hint called the “Four-Box Method.”  When you set to work, going through your items, have four boxes: trash, give away, keep, or relocate.

Another article offers another helpful tip: “start with just five minutes.”  It’s a start, and a little progress is still progress, nonetheless.  A little bit at a time will make progress.  One technique would be to have a decluttering day.

Another clutter-causing area is paperwork.   According to this same source, papers often make up a lot of our clutter.  They suggest setting aside a specific place for incoming papers.  If things are sprawled here and there, it creates chaos and makes it difficult to feel, or be, organized.  It would probably be helpful to create labeled folders for yourself to help categorize the paperwork.

When trying to clean out a drawer, you might try emptying everything out onto a table and organizing it.

An article from “Budget Dumpster” offers other valuable suggestions.  When starting to declutter, it would be a good idea to set goals.  Making a plan can help lessen frustration.  You might make a list of rooms you want to tackle and rank them in reference to how badly cluttered they are.  You might also try to set a realistic date for when you hope to have the room decluttered.

Another tip when decluttering is to see if items are actually still working.  It makes no sense to leave broken items hanging around your house.

“It’s Great to Be Alive at St. Anne’s!” ….a view from our Receptionist, Carla Kennedy


I was asked to do an article for the St. Anne’s Scoop: why I like working at St. Anne’s.  I work at the reception desk.  You would think I just sit and answer the phone.

Things get pretty busy and lively at times.  That’s where the motto “It’s great to be alive at St. Anne’s” must come from.

I do lots of different jobs: mail, take appointment reminders, do book work, etc.  But, my number-one job is the residents.  They keep us all going.  I like to hear about their lives before St. Anne’s: where they were born, about family, kids, grand kids, likes and dislikes, hobbies, etc.

I’m glad to help them if they need it with something.  I like them to know that I care about them and pay attention to what they have to say.

I think all the activities they have for the residents is neat: movies, story-book reading, bingo, games, parties, and other activities, including live music.  I like the people I work with.  I like visiting with the people who come in for Adoration and the people who come to visit residents.

I also have two furry residents I watch over: Gracie and Zoe.  The routine goes like this: feed, water, in-and-out.

I like the good food the kitchen staff cooks and serves.  I also enjoy when Chuck G. and Sr. Elaine with the band entertain in the activity room.

I’m lucky to work with and for such nice people as Sr. Elaine, Sr. Rebecca, Sr. Christina and everyone else!

Carla Kennedy, Receptionist

They do a lot for you…So keep your kidneys healthy!

006Not everyone has the advantage of healthy kidneys…Here at St. Anne’s, we have three resident who need to be on kidney dialysis.

March is National kidney month…But how much do you know about your kidneys and keeping them healthy?  We have two kidneys, each the size of our fist and located in the lower back.  Our kidneys filter about 200 liters of blood each day, according to an article by the National Kidney Foundation.  In doing this, they remove waste and excess water.

These important organs also help regulate blood pressure and red blood cell production.  They also help regulate salt, potassium, and acid content as well as balancing body fluids.

Unfortunately, these bean-shaped helpers at risk for disease. In fact, one third of us are at risk of kidney disease for a variety of reasons, including diabetes and high blood pressure.  Cardiovascular disease and a family history of kidney problems are also risk factors.  That is because these conditions damage the tiny filtering units in the kidneys (We have about 1 million of these.)  One informative article shared that kidney disease is one of the top ten causes of death in the U.S, but many Americans have the disease and don’t even know it yet; early stages of the disease often do not have symptoms.

As we age, kidney function may decrease as the number of filtering units and the amount of kidney tissue may go down, according to a Senior Health article.

All is not lost, however.  The National Kidney Foundation and SeniorNet offer tips for keeping your kidneys healthy:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Don’t overuse over-the-counter painkillers or Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Control weight
  • Get an annual physical
  • Know your family’s medical history
  • Don’t smoke or abuse alcohol
  • Talk to your doctor about getting tested if you’re at risk for Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Keep blood pressure and cholesterol within normal ranges.
  • Make sure diabetes is well-controlled.
  • Reduce sodium intake to less than 1,500 milligrams per day.
  • Eat a heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy and whole grains

The Sun & the Rain & the Appleseed…Johnny Appleseed Day


Did you ever learn the ‘Johnny Appleseed Prayer” as a child?

It is a neat little jingle that comes to mind on this March 11th Johnny Appleseed Day.



Oh, the Lord’s been good to me,
And so I thank the Lord,
For giving me the things I need,
The sun, the rain, and the apple seed
The Lord’s been good to me.

We used to have an elderly lady living here at St. Anne’s who actually enjoyed eating the apple seeds.  We would be busily peeling and slicing apples and she would get herself a collection of seeds to enjoy!

But what about the man we honor today?

Johnny Appleseed (whose real name is John Chapman) was born two years before our country declared its independence from Britain, on Sept. 26, 1774.  He died of pneumonia in his early seventies, on March 18, 1845.  He travelled around and planted apple trees in Pennsylvania, Ontario, Ohio, Illinois, West Virginia, and Indiana.  He led the way in conservation and was known for his kindness and generosity.  His career in apple business lasted about half a century.  At the age of eighteen, he headed west with a younger brother and other pioneers.  This began his travels, in which he preceded west-bound pioneer groups, planting apple trees before them.

Not only was Chapman a friend to the settlers, he was also on good terms with many native peoples.  He reportedly had sufficient knowledge of many of their languages to converse.


