This past week, we planted a little vegetable garden in a soil-filled bathtub on our west patio. But did you know that gardening is actually considered “moderate cardiovascular exercise” by the CDC, according to one online article. It burns calories (200-300 per hour) and doing so several times a week can be a good way to fight obesity, according to this same source.
Why Activities? Activity Professionals Week – January 18-24
This week, I’d like to thank our activities staff for their hard work, not only in designing enjoyable activities but also for their efforts in getting people to actually attend. We find that people sometimes get in a slump and need more than a little encouragement to get out of their rooms, even for things that are really fun and beneficial. Here, our activity director shares some thoughts:
Why Activities?
By Shelly Mack, Activity Director at St. Anne’s
Activities are not meant to keep Shelly and Dawn (my assistant) busy. Activities are for the residents. There is nothing worse than someone just sitting and staring at the wall day after day, when we have activities every day. We try to have a variety: spiritual, educational, games of skill, exercises (this is chair exercise meant for everyone but a real struggle to get people to attend. Exercise is proven to help mobility and prevent falls. Come Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m., and give it a try!)
Dice games are pretty popular. Also, we are very lucky to have in-house musicians like Sr. Elaine, Chuck Gust and Sr. Christina, plus a guest group of music volunteers. And of course, there is the ever-popular bingo – this is fun and you get a small prize to boot! So, here’s a word of advice: let the paint on the wall dry and come give activities a try!
Anyone interested in helping with activities or sharing their talent may call Shelly at (701) 746-9401.