Do you know someone or have a family member who just isn’t able to care him(her)self like he used to?
You may wonder if it’s time they find another living situation.
Below, we’ve compiled a list of some “signs” that may indicate that the time is right for a move. It can be a difficult transition, but a necessary one for the loved one’s safety and well-being.
(Please see our previous article on differences in long-term care terminology for further insights.)
Falls/Physical safety
- Did your loved one have a fall? Are there bruises indicating that he may have done so? Is it taking a long time to recover? Are there numerous unsafe situations in her home, such as stairs or rugs?
- Are appliances being left on or doors left open? Is his living area safe and secure?
Health, Self-care, and Hygiene
- Do they have a condition that is causing her health to deteriorate?
- Is he having trouble with tasks of daily living, like dressing, shopping, making meals, cleaning, and taking their medications properly?
- Has she lost an unhealthy amount of weight? Does she seem more frail (if you give her a hug, for example.)
- Is she keeping up her appearance? Is clothing, hair, and makeup (if applicable) neat?
- Does he have strong body odor or other signs that he is not bathing properly?
- Does she always seem to be wearing the same thing?
- Is he having trouble with their activities of daily living (ADLs) on his own?
- Is she eating properly? Is there food around that looks or smells old? Does she have expired medications around?
- Are tasks that were once easy for him now a chore?
- Does she have a hard time getting around?
- Is the individual continuing to have social stimulation and relationships? Do they still get together with friends or talk on the phone? One huge advantage living in a care facility is the wonderful opportunities for socialization.
- Does he seem lonely?
Mental Acuity
- Is she still attending to her business matters appropriately?
- Are there pieces of unopened mail laying around?
- Is there any suspicious mail lying around that may indicate that your loved one is being taken advantage of? Are there stacks of papers piling up?
- Is your loved one noticeably disorganized?
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