We are so blessed here at St. Anne’s to have a “resident artist!” Ron Danielson has been producing beautiful images for use in our monthly resident newsletter, The Broadcaster, for the last two years. He even created the artwork for our annual Christmas letter in 2014.

Ron has a real, natural talent, and we are so glad he is willing to share it with the rest of us!
In this issue of The St. Anne’s Scoop, we’ll share a little interview with Ron, done by his neighbor and friend, Patricia Schildberger.
What kind of art have you done? Sketching with pencil, charcoal, art using a combination of pencil, pen and colored pencils and oil painting and various other art forms
How many siblings do you have? Five-two sisters and three brothers
How did you first get into art? I was born with the art skill, started art in 1st grade or earlier, [and] did a lot of art work till 12th grade when took off to work. I had art classes in school always carried an “A” for my grade.
What do you enjoy most? Pencil, pen and color pencil art. I do enjoy doing art for the Broadcaster.
What work have you done? I started working for the railroad when I was still in high school. Then went on to work a variety of jobs some of which are plant and construction work among others and my last job was working for a moving company which was moving households in and out of their respective locations.